Friday, December 16, 2016

T is for Tegan

Tegan-isms no. 2

"I'm a crazy witch!"

(as he's rolling out imaginary rolls with a rolling pin), "I'm making these rolls for me. For Tegan."

"I took those eye drops like a TRAMP!" (champ?)

Monday, December 12, 2016

Tegan's Marshmallow Test

I've always loved watching little kids take the marshmallow test, and it seemed fun to try with Tegan. I didn't follow special lab protocol - just set the timer for 3 minutes and told him if he could wait the full 3 minutes he could have a second marshmallow. I'm pretty sure the official test involved leaving subjects in a room by themselves, but I obviously was in the room recording him and trying (unsuccessfully) to coach him. This kid cracks me up!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Recent Tegan-isms

Said recently around here:

Dad's at work. Somebody's workin' on Dad's teeth. Makes Dad very sad. (I guess he thinks Dad's job consists of being the recipient of dental care all day every day. I could see how that would make someone sad!)

Mom is so HEAVY. (When he sees me trying to lift something heavy. It makes me chuckle.)

Porter, you just threw up at me. That makes me very very very very SAD. (He's really into feelings lately.)

Thursday, October 13, 2016